The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

"French" Bread From The 1955 (US) Culinary Institute Of America Cookbook

tpassin's picture

"French" Bread From The 1955 (US) Culinary Institute Of America Cookbook

Here's a reproduction of a recipe from a 1955 cookbook published by the Culinary Institute of America.  They call it "French Bread".  Enjoy!


Precaud's picture

video and a good choice of music. I agree with his assessment; a lot of work for a simple white bread. IMO it is easily beat, and much more easily accomplished, with CLAS and a bread machine that bakes hot...

tpassin's picture

I'm still wondering why they called it "French" bread.  Maybe they mean "American stereotyped but feeble idea of what a baguette is"?

Precaud's picture

It's all about appearances...